by Virginia
A STUDY OF FP WIVES: A woman psychologist of my acquaint- ance wants to do a study of the wives of FPs. Naturally it would only be of those who have some degree of acceptance and understanding. She will provide a questionnaire to be filled out by the wives. It will be sent to me and I will forward it to any wives that indicate their willingness to cooperate. If yours will, will you please write her name and address and the statement that she will be willing to take the test, on a 3 by 5 card and mail it in to me? When the questionnaires are prepared I will then mail them to her. Security is completely controlled because your names and addresses will not be asked for on the questionnaire nor provided by me. I will mail the questionnaires out and you will mail them back to her in stamped envelopes provided. (Those who have already sent in the slip mailed with Femme Forum need not reply again.)
Already about 35 FPE wives have indicated their willingness, I hope many more will do so that we can get something of a "profile" (as they say in hijacking circles these days) of the kind of a woman who is open enough and human enough to be able to deal with the pattern. This ought to be scientifically valuable but beyond that it should give the younger FPs who are looking for "A" and "B" wives a better idea of what to look for. Please don't include your wife's agreement in a letter. I want it on a 3 by 5 card or paper so I can file them in a file box. Thanks.
II. REPURCHASE, SALE AND RENTAL: I know that I have men- tioned these many times before but it continues to be necessary. We have indicated our willingness to repurchase any back issues which are no longer in stock (see the price list following this) at $2 per copy. These issues are then offered for sale to any who want them at $6. Several readers have acted on this offer and we now have one to four issues of many of the out of stock issues. If you want to obtain any of these back